Major Errors in the Draft Site Allocations Plan show Hyde Park and Woodhouse with surplus Open Space when it actually has a deficit in all categories of Open Space

The Draft Site Allocations Plan1 contains numerous errors in its calculation of open space provision in Hyde Park and Woodhouse ward. This is a serious flaw as the amount of new housing that a ward can sustain is based on the open space provision that would be available to new residents.


Paragraph 1.2 of Leeds City Council’s Draft Site Allocations Plan states that it uses open space figures from Appendix A2 of the council’s Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment3 (OSSRA) published in 2011, and that it also includes some additional data.


The Draft Site Allocations Plan also states that it excludes sites that have been developed. This is incorrect as sites that have been developed have been included.


The Draft Site Allocations Plan claims that Hyde Park and Woodhouse ward has a surplus in all categories of open space except “Outdoor Sports”. But when errors within the Draft Site Allocations Plan have been corrected, Hyde Park and Woodhouse is shown to have a deficit in all categories of open space.


The map below shows the locations of several of the Hyde Park and Woodhouse sites referred to in the Draft Site Allocations Plan and also referred to in this post.


Site Allocations map 470



1.Rising Sun Public Open Space6.Cliff Road Greenspace (a)
2.Woodhouse Moor Park7.Cliff Road Greenspace (b)
3.Woodsley Road (Leeds Uni)8.Cliff Mount Fields (N6)
4.Mount Preston Street (Leeds Uni)9.Cliff Mount Fields (N1)
5.Woodhouse Lane Greenspace10.Allotments

Parks and Gardens


The table below appears at paragraph 5.9 of the Draft Site Allocations Plan. The sections I’ve shaded yellow, indicate incorrect open space figures.

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